
Infected Blood scandel


Numerous years have gone since the horrifying event involving blood that was tainted. It is estimated that approximately 6,000 people who were infected with HIV and hepatitis viruses received clotting factors throughout the 1970s and 1980s.

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These patients suffered from haemophilia, which is a condition that causes bleeding. Due to the fact that they were unaware of their own infection, a number of individuals unknowingly passed it on to their partners. Out of the more than 3,000 persons who have passed away as a direct result of this disaster, it is really unfortunate that just about 250 people are still alive even today.

For the purpose of conducting an investigation into this topic, a special commission that was given the name the Infected Blood Inquiry was constituted. Everything started in July of 2017, and it won’t be over until May of 2024. Since the beginning of the investigation, we predict that around 650 more victims of this tragedy will have passed away by the time the report is released. The fact that this health problem continues to have a devastating impact on people’s life is a tragic reality.

Blood transfusions were the means by which a large number of people, not just those with haemophilia, became infected with hepatitis C during this time period. Unfortunately, a significant number of these patients were utterly oblivious to the fact that they were infected for a considerable amount of time before they were finally diagnosed. We are unable to provide an accurate count of the number of people that are affected.
Problems with blood clotting are a daily reality for people who are suffering with complications related to bleeding disorders. Consequently, it is quite challenging to put a stop to the bleeding of even relatively mild injuries. Before, the most common approach to treating these disorders was through the administration of plasma transfusions.

The subsequent development of a breakthrough new medicine known as factor concentrate, on the other hand, occurred. It is possible to inject it at home, which is a game-changer for people who regularly experience bleeding problems. It is possible that they might use it in a prophylactic fashion, which would mean that they would use it before they even experienced bleeding, in order to reduce the risk of damaging their joints and bleeding.

Nevertheless, the concentration of factors introduced potentially lethal risks as well. It was possible to extract the clotting factor from blood that had been donated by as many as forty thousand individuals simultaneously. From a single contaminated sample, the entire batch has the potential to become ill. Prior to the implementation of pooled blood products, the risk of transmitting viruses such as hepatitis through blood products was already rather high.

When factor concentrate that was manufactured in the United Kingdom became scarce, the level of threat grew. It was required to originate from the United States, where it was extracted from blood that was donated by those who were known to be at a high risk, such as drug addicts and incarcerated individuals. Because of this, the danger of contamination was much increased.

It is a tragedy that both the government and medical professionals chose to ignore the hazards that were present. They did not take the essential steps to return to safer versions of the items and to stop using these potentially hazardous ones. Both medical professionals and pharmaceutical companies failed to provide patients or patient organisations with sufficient information regarding these risks.

A declaration was made in 1975 by the Health Minister of the United Kingdom, who stated that the nation would be able to become “self-sufficient” in blood products if it had the financial means to do so. Having said that, this was never the situation. Around that time, haemophilia institutes all around the country began to report the beginning of a nationwide outbreak of hepatitis at their facilities.

The first example of a haemophiliac person who had passed away as a result of an AIDS infection was reported in the United States in the year 1982. At this time, there was a growing concern that HIV may be transmitted through blood transfusions between people who were infected with the virus. A number of publications, including The Lancet, have brought the risk to the public’s attention, and organisations such as the World Health Organisation have underlined the importance of informing those who have haemophilia about these hazards.
People who suffer from bleeding disorders were notified by the Haemophilia Society, which is now known as the Total Health Service, that it was safe to continue using these novel factor treatments at this time. Both the government and various experts served as the foundation for their recommendations. Now, however, we are aware that the community has been harmed as a result of their actions and comments. It is current that they have apologised for the error.

Being a person who suffers from haemophilia around the time of the contaminated blood crisis must have been an extremely difficult experience for everyone involved. As a result of the widespread lack of knowledge surrounding the transmission of the HIV virus, many people made the mistaken assumption that every individual who exhibited haemophilia also had AIDS. There are a lot of people who have haemophilia who have chosen to keep quiet about their disease because they are afraid of being treated poorly or discriminated against. It was recommended by a number of individuals that HIV-positive individuals keep their diagnosis a secret. Numerous individuals who suffer with haemophilia went through a phase that was both horrifying and lonely, during which they were unaware that they were not alone. A number of families were forced to leave their homes and careers as a result of the horrifying assault. Because of this, a significant number of individuals who were involved in this incident continue to avoid discussing it.

It was not until 2022 that the victims were given any form of monetary recompense. On the other hand, in the year 2022, Sir Brian Langstaff, who was in charge of the tainted Blood Inquiry, proposed that all individuals who were participating in a contaminated blood assistance programme in the United Kingdom should receive a payment of 120,00 pounds as compensation. This recommendation was accepted by the government, which resulted in the payment being made in October of 2022. However, this compensation did not reach specific groups of people who were significantly affected by the scandal. For instance, children, parents, and siblings who lost first-page chevron-left positions were not included in this settlement.

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